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Radix Cofee

Benefits of Radix Coffee : 

Eliminate Joint Pain and Backache

Arthritis and rheumatism result from inflammation caused by temperature imbalance. The effect creates advantages such as uric acid which causes ghout. Coffee Radix will act as a diuretic (increasing urine) by performing temperature and acid balance. There is a telling testimony to the many advantages that can eliminate the use of Radix and knee pain.


Radix will remove coffee drinks feel like a fever if taken at an early stage because the ingredients in Radix will enhance the immune system to kill bacteria that invade the body. Bioflavonoid action will further enhance immune cell activity by accelerating the movement to the attack. Radix coffee drinks will cause a person with a lot of urine, sweat and thirsty. The effect of this thirst of the patient makes a lot of water in which the body temperature stabilized.


Substance known as Radix quassinoid found in the anti-tumor substance that can remove the tumor in the brain. This was further strengthened by the study Dr. She Hamid from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2000. In actual cases, HPA has a record of the tumor in the brain heal after patients given Radix with Omega3 and Spirulina.

Radix For Women

Radix has antioxidant that can trap free radicals that cause various diseases. For women who struggle with vaginal discharge, discharge of this liquid can be removed by just drinking coffee Radix, as well as menstrual cramps. Coffee Radix has a detoxifying effect that can produce toxicity in the liver and blood circulation correcting. For women with menopause, they need pytoestrogen and calcium for bones and is available in Radix Coffee .

Radix Coffee  For  Diabetes and Hypertension Patients

Radix also contains betasitosterol and stigmasterol which acts as a hypoglycemic (lowering glucose levels).
 coffee diuretics strength can also be used to treat hypertension.

Coffee Radix-to-energy

Aphrodisiac effects of masculinity and good energy boost if synergize with Omega3. How did this happen? A study at the University of Malaya (UM) showed that mice given 480% Radix showed a male hormone while the female rats were given birth with a ratio of 3 male:1 female.

Radix coffee contains 7 herbal option:

1. Tongkat Ali (Aphrodisiac / antioxidants).

2. Pokok Mata Pelanduk (Diuretic).
3. Pokok Teja Lawang (carminative)
4. Sugar Cane Elephant (antidote).
5. Pokok Mengkudu hutan (LAXATIF).
6. Halban (Immunity).
7. Pokok Larak (KARDIOTONIK)

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